Friday, August 15, 2008

I'm Back!

I am back and ready to start posting again. There are so many things I want to share!
I'll keep it simple, though, and not share too many things at once!
Here is the deal I got today at Randalls.

8 boxes of Ritz Crackers $4.19 each BOGo
used 8 coupons ($1/1)

One Lays Classic Chips on sale $2.50
3 Kraft Cheese $4.99 each
used 3 coupons (buy 2 Nabisco products such as Ritz, get Kraft cheese free)

5- 12 packs of Coke $5.99 each
Buy 2 get 3 free
used 2- $1/1 coupons

2 Contessa Shrimp Scampi on sale $3.99 each
used 1 - $2/2 coupons

Grand total before coupons was $71.99
Total after coupons and store savings $26.41
Savings of 73%

gotta love those BOGO deals that you have coupons to match with!
What do you think of my shopping trip?

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