Here they are holding their binder. It was a really good outing! I was able to meet their favorite cashier, Kelvin, who knows them so well that he knows what their car looks like! It is really cool being able to share CVSing with your family as it is another interest that bonds us closer. So... CVS is more than just a store, it helps bring family and friends closer! Does your family CVS together? ( I guess that CVS has now also become a verb!)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
CVSing... Fun on a Saturday Night!
Here they are holding their binder. It was a really good outing! I was able to meet their favorite cashier, Kelvin, who knows them so well that he knows what their car looks like! It is really cool being able to share CVSing with your family as it is another interest that bonds us closer. So... CVS is more than just a store, it helps bring family and friends closer! Does your family CVS together? ( I guess that CVS has now also become a verb!)
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That is a really cool way to look at shopping in my opinion, I never really thought of it as a 'family shopping experience', I personally have never set foot into CVS aside from yesterday Aug,24th, 08, which Peter kinda showed me around and told me exactly how it is you guys go CVSing, it sounds really cool and according to Peter the savings are insane.
It is a really cool idea.
Yoel, welcome to the family, then! Now that Petie has you in his capable hands, you will learn the ways of CVSing and you will never shop the same way. I promise. Once you truly understand how to do it, it will become a challenge and just something fun to do. With the stockpile you never have to go out to the store to buy something at full price just because you did not have it. There is so much you can do with a stockpile. You can donate toothpaste and personal goods to the homeless shelters. I cannot say enough about CVSing. And CVSing with my brothers is a blast. You need to meet Boo Boo and Mandy. Their stockpile is amazing. They are really good at planning out their deals. You'll see... in a month you will dream of CVSing... take care! hugs, ~terry
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