My trip to Wal Mart went well. Total prior to coupons was $73.58. After coupons the total was $40.81.
Here is what I purchased...
2 bakery cinnamon rolls ( I had no business buying these)
5 Bumble Bee Tuna Salad lunch kits
Planters Mixed Nuts
2 Apple and Eve Apple Juice Box sets
1 Six pack of Dasani water
1 small packet of cumin
1 Simply Orange OJ
6 small gala apples
1 large orange
1 lemon
1 lime
1 plantain
2 garlic
1 bag sunchips
6 packages Huggies Baby Wipes
1 All You Magazine
6 Post It page markers
1 loaf ciabatta from bakery
1 boneless rib roast
1 tyson pork loin roast
package of pork chops
1 bag onions
3 packets kool aid mix
1 mosquito spray (not pictured)
So.. I saved $32.77 in coupons.
I really do not shop at WalMart unless I have a bunch of coupons to use. My most favorite regular grocery store is Publix, but we do not have them here. My other favorite grocery store is Trader Joes, but alas, there are none of those here, either. The good thing about Kroger, where I usually do my grocery shopping, is that the double and triple coupons really help out! Where do you like to do your grocery shopping?
Hey whats up! Where I buy most of my stuff is... I hate to say it, Wal-Mart, unfortunately I have not mastered the whole coupon thing as I never really looked too deep into it. I know that Peter will be starting his CVS'ing rounds soon, and I will more than likely join him up with that just to know how to save as much money as both of you.
But I am curious, you mentioned that your favorite shopping place is 'Publix' but, you do not have that in Texas, and you only buy in Wal-mart when you have coupons (which makes me feel bad since I buy at Wal-Mart due to its cheap prices! :P) So my question would be how different exactly is Koger than say Publix? In New Jersey, we had something called A&P which was the exact same thing as Publix just a tad cheaper as there were no taxes since in NJ you pay State Tax.
Well anyway your blog was a good read and happy to see how your saving so much with the coupons. Hopefully I will be doing the same soon! Thanks for the inspiration!
Hi, Yoel! I am glad to hear that you are interested in saving! I hope it did not sound bad about me not going to WalMart unless I have coupons. The only reason is that here where I live it takes so long to check out at the registers because the lines are so very long! That is why I make it worth my while by saving alot with coupons and then I do not get so irritated about having to wait in line since I think of the great savings that await me once I'm done! You are absolutely right... WalMart has great prices, but if you do it correctly, you can actually save as much if not more money at other grocery stores by shopping the sales and topping off your savings with coupons and then stockpiling the items. It is all about planning and timing. I think that Publix is great because of their BOGO sales, their superb customer service and their brightly lit, well-organized stores. Some of the stores that I have seen here are a little drab compared to Publix and the customer service I had there was second to none! I heard about A&P stores. How do you like them compared to WalMart and Publix? Thanks for reading my blog! When I come home to visit we should go CVSing! By that time I am sure Petie would have already trained you and you will be an old pro at saving vast amounts of money and maintaining a great stockpile! Take Care, Yoel! Hugs,~terry
I actually loved A&P but like you said the service in Publix is second to none! I plan to pay a lot of attention when Pete shows me how to save specially in CVS!!
Yoel, I am so glad that you like Publix... going shopping there is actuallly fun for me rather than a chore! Yes, paying lots of attention to the way Petie shops will help teach you so many ways to save money at the grocery store and at CVS! And we can all use a little extra money in our pockets instead of in someone else's cash register! Take care! ~terry
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