I have not posted in forever because (1) I needed to get organized and (2) I needed to really ponder which direction I wanted to take with my blog.
Two weeks ago I actually went to a Blogging class taught by an experienced blogger. It was interesting, but I think that I need a lot more technical help. The class was really just about coming up with a blog idea rather than the "how" of everyday blogging. Oh, well, I think that I will just play it by ear and learn by doing!
The good thing is that I now know what my blog will be. Really, it is going to be a compilation of everything. My thoughts, ideas, helpful things I have read, heard or learned, stuff about my wonderful family, frugal stuff, gardening stuff, cooking stuff, homemaking stuff, etc.
A bit of an eclectic mix, I would say.
So... at first I was thinking that it was all about everyone in the universe visiting my blog!
But now, upon great reflection, I have decided that this blog is going to be written for whomever wants to read it, whether it be me or a gazillion people. I just want to express myself.
I would like for my family to be able to visit to see what is going on since we do not live in the same state right now.
If anyone else is reading, you can probably tell that I am not technologically advanced. Thus the absence of the cutsie things that appear on other sites. I do want to learn how to do all that and I will as I go along. I am just thrilled to be able to add a picture to my post!!!!!
Okay, here is what has been happening... Birthdays Galore!
1. Tiff ( our beautiful daughter ) had her 24th birthday in June. We were sorry to not be with her to celebrate.
2. Matthieu (our handsome grandson) turned 1 year old in June, as well. His Mommy says he is growing like a weed! Good thing, as he is going to have to protect his little sister after she is born. I am sure he will be a great big brother!
3. Bita, our sweet baby Rottie, turned 5 on the fourth of July! She loved her homemade cake!
Other news of note... I finally started selling on eBay! Yippee! I did not realize how much fun it would be. Thanks alot to my husband, TD, and my brother Ricky for all their advice.
My brother Ricky is a Power Seller, so he knows his stuff. I have a lot to learn.
More than anything, I want to be a good seller and receive good feedback.
Now that I have made my plan to post daily or at least every other day, I am happy.
I also feel liberated that I have decided to be sort of free-flowing on this blog.
Thanks for reading. Please say hello. I would love to hear from you. Have you been trying to do something new? Take care!