Her full name is Abita Amber .
She is named after the Abita Amber beer made in Abita Springs, LA.
She was born on July 4, 2003 in Riverside, CA.
We love the fact that on July the Fourth there are fireworks to celebrate our Independence Day because the fireworks also help celebrate Bita's birthday.
And, boy, does Bita love to get presents! She happily opens all the presents herself.
At Christmas and during any other special time when gifts are given, she is the appointed
present opener. ****I am the appointed gift wrap picker-upper when she is done!****
Bita is a wonderful pet. She is intelligent, kind and fun-loving! We keep a running list of all
the words that she knows and it is extensive!
She is certainly a Daddy's Girl, though. When her Daddy comes home she can hardly contain herself, she is so full of joy!
Bita and Mineau are great sisters. They get along so well.
One reason they get along so well is that Bita understands that Mineau is the boss of the entire family.
Another reason is that they just love each other.