First, Hurricane Ike was not fun. However, it was not "the storm of the century" as they have been saying on the local news here in Houston. No, not quite!
Yes, it was inconvenient.
Yes, it was very, very hot and humid without electricity.
Yes, not having electricity for over 2 weeks did not make my top ten list of happy things.
But... it was not the storm of the century.
That was a storm of a different name in another place.
So... I was not able to post during the time of no electricity. ( obviously)
Then... I had to catch up on work stuff.
Now... TD is getting ready for his NEW JOB!
We are moving to Oklahoma!
I do not know too much about OK, but am looking forward to meeting new people that I hear are really nice there!
Good news... Boo Boo and Mandy closed on their new house yesterday. I am so happy for them! Congrats! I will post pics when I get them!
Now, for an important announcement... Tonight Casa de Mineau is a HOUSE DIVIDED!
That means that LSU is playing the MIGHTY FLORIDA GATORS @ THE SWAMP!
Go, Gators!
TD and I both agreed that our respective teams will win, but we will be happy for the other person when their team wins. Which will mean that TD will be happy for me when the GATORS win!